During the first morning session, we stop for ten minutes for a “Brainfood” break. Please provide your child with a healthy snack for this time. This may be a piece of fruit or some vegetables.
Our first playtime is from 10:55 - 11:15am. Children go out to play for 20 minutes.
Then they come back in and have 15 minutes to eat their lunch, together as a class.
Our second playtime is from 1:00 pm to 1:40pm. Children go and play for 40 minutes.
Then they come back in and have eating time together as a class for 10 minutes.
School Lunches
Children receive a healthy balanced lunch each school day as part of the Lunch in School programme. They are encouraged to try the lunch. We suggest you still send a small lunch just in case your child does not like what is offered – a sandwich, a piece of fruit or a packet of chippies.
The lunch menu is displayed and advertised ahead of time so you can see what your child is being offered and you can send more food if you feel your child will not eat what is provided.
Drink Bottles
Children need to bring a drink bottle to school every day. Children are encouraged to put their drink bottles on the benchtop in the classroom. They are able to drink at any time during the day. Please fill the drink bottles with water only.
We have a policy at Linton Camp School that children must wear a school hat when outside during Term One and Term Four. When not in use, hats are kept in children’s bags or cubbies. They do not usually get taken home.
Lost Property
Please label all school clothing. We have a lot of unmarked and unclaimed clothing every term. Please also label your child’s lunch box and drink bottle.
Please ensure your child has a ROOMY school bag that can adequately hold their lunchbox and drink bottle, book bag, raincoat and spare clothing.
Parent Help
We value parent help both in the classroom and at home. If you have some free time available on a regular basis, and would like to join us, please let us know. Whether it’s listening to some children reading, joining us for an art class, or coming in to share your skill or passion with us, we would love to have you.
Zero Waste Programme
We have zero waste programme. Our school aims to create as little rubbish as we can. Children contribute to the zero rubbish programme by taking home any rubbish from their lunch box. After they have unwrapped their lunch they place any rubbish back in their lunchbox. The rubbish can then be put into the home recycling system. We encourage families to think of ways to send lunches to school that requires as little packaging as possible. By students taking their own rubbish home again, we save thousands of dollars in rubbish pick ups, money that the school can spend on better educational resources.
School newsletters are eaccessible via the Hero app. You are also able to view the newsletter from our website . The newsletter helps to keep whanau informed on current events.
School Facebook Page and School Website
The information from the school newsletter is posted to the school Facebook page and website every second Thursday. Other news, sports draws or updates are posted as required. This is a great place to keep updated about things happening at school. You are welcome to ‘follow’ our facebook page so you receive notifications when they are posted.
School Facebook page is
Children are discouraged from bringing toys and any valuable items to school as these can get lost or damaged.
We ask that you please ensure your child does not bring toys or objects from home to school.
Seesaw is an app we use to empower our children to independently document what they are learning at school. Our children are able to ‘show what they are learning’ using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. Children will have their own Seesaw account and will add work to share what they're doing at school with their parents.
In the New Entrant class velcro shoes are encouraged as they are easy and fast to take on and off. Please do not send your child to school with laces unless they can independently tie them themselves. Please name your child’s shoes.
Starting school is an exciting time for both parents and children. It can also be a big step for some children. The transition from Early Childhood Centre, Kindergarten, Kohanga Reo or home is made easier if you and your children are well prepared. Keep in mind that school is a different atmosphere from preschool education. School children need to be able to do certain things on their own. It would be helpful if your child could:
Dress themselves (especially for swimming in Term One)
Put on their shoes and sweatshirt/jersey and take them off without any help
Toilet themselves, know how to flush and wash their hands afterwards
Feel comfortable speaking to an adult/teacher to ask for help and express their needs e.g. say when they need the toilet or when they feel unwell
Recognise their own name and be able to write it (with a Capital letter at the start of their name and the rest in lower case letters)
Recognise some letters
The above skills are a guide only. If your child does not know or is not able to do all of the above tasks don’t worry. Each child matures at their own speed and we adjust our class programme to suit the ever-changing needs of all our students.
Enrol at School
Fill in enrolment forms. Bring Birth certificate, Immunisation certificate.
Pick up a stationery list.
Book time to meet with the New Entrant Teacher.
School Visits
3 x school visits as arranged with the teacher.
Make sure your child can go to the toilet, open a lunch box, take shoes/sweatshirt off and on.
Buy or pre-order school uniform.
First Day
Start on or just after 5th birthday. (Make sure the school knows your intended start day).
Wear school uniform.
Bring stationery to school.
New Entrant interview
The teacher will book a time with you to talk about how your child is settling in and discuss progress.



