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Reliever Information


If you are interested in relieving at Linton Camp School, please email your CV to and your details will be passed onto the Team Leaders.

Please read the following information before your first day to become familiar with our school.


At Linton Camp School we value and respect the role of the reliever. We are here to support you for the benefit of both you and the students. We appreciate open and honest feedback in order to create a positive experience.


Owning our Learning, Owning our Future is a powerful sentence and has a significant impact on everything we do at Linton Camp School. Importantly, it puts the responsibility for learning with the learner. We want students to know what they are learning and why they are learning it.  We want them to know what they are getting better at and that there is more to learn after they have mastered their current goals.


However, the word ‘our’ has been deliberately selected.  Students do not learn in a vacuum. They gain knowledge and skills because of the learning opportunities and activities set up by their highly trained and skilful teachers and the support they receive from their caregivers.


The vision of Linton Camp School is;

Owning our Learning, Owning our Future



Principal - Geoff Franks

Manuka - Room 1 (NE - Year 1) Teacher Joanne Walker

Kowhai - Room 2 (Year 1 - 2) Teacher Amy Hardyment

Miro - Room 3 (Year 2 - 3) Teacher Mary Macdonald - Acting Junior Team Leader

Te Pihinga (Year 2 - 4) Teacher Ariana Collier (Bilingual Class)

Kauri - Room 4 (Year 4 - 5) Teacher Claudine Harvie

Matai - Room 5 (Year 5 - 6) Teacher Nigel Tongs - Acting Senior Team Leader & Deputy Principal and Erana Gill

Totara -Room 6 (Year 7 - 8) Teacher  Anna James and Kiri Parkinson

Reading Tutor: Lynette Blenkiron (You may need to check classroom timetable to see when Lynette takes children out of the class.)

Reading Recovery Teacher: Catherine Buckingham

Office Administrator: Lisa Buckley

Teacher aides:

  • Stacey Zainey (Manuka)

  • Laura Churchill (Miro)

  • Wendy Varley (Matai)

Caretaker John Norris



When notified in advance we ask that you are at school by 8.15 am and in the class by 8.30 am. This provides you with the opportunity to develop professional relationships with the children.

Please spend some time at the end of the day to leave the classroom tidy.



8:55 am School begins - First Learning Block

10:00 am Brain Break (Fruit or milk) Read and Feed

11:00 am Play (Morning Tea)

11:20 am Eat (10 minutes) Read and Feed

11:30 am Learn - 2nd Learning Block

12:30 pm Play

1:10 pm Eat (20 minutes)

1:30 pm Learn - 3rd Learning Block

3:00 pm School finishes

We are trialling a new programme for how we structure our break times: Play - Eat - Learn.

This is a programme that many schools throughout Christchurch and around New Zealand have implemented with great success. It is aimed at improving the well-being, health, focus and learning of our students.

We will be reversing times for morning tea and lunch so that children will play first then return to class and then eat. The goal is for children to be calmer and more ready to learn.

At 11:20 am and 1:10 pm teachers need to be back in their own class to supervise eating times, have Read and Feed and be there to have a chat with kids about how the playtime went.


Due to the long stretch in the morning, students can have a ‘brain break’ at around 10.00.  Brain break food is bought from home as part of a student’s morning tea/lunch. Milk is also delivered to classrooms at around this time. Milk is usually consumed outside of the classroom, and empty cartons are to be properly folded and placed into the milk recycling bins provided.



Please see attached duty roster. There is a hi-vis vest in the classroom which should be worn during duty. Please note if you aren’t already scheduled for duty you may be asked by the Team Leader to assist in covering others.

In Terms 1 and 4 please wear a hat when on duty outside as well as the hi-vis vest.



A bell will ring three times at the beginning of morning tea or lunch to indicate a wet play. Students are not to be on iPads, computers or any devices at morning tea or lunch (unless given permission from a classroom teacher for a specific purpose - please check with the teacher to confirm this).


If the red flags are flying in the playground the children are not to play on the grass.



Marked twice daily: before 9.00 and before 1.45. Please find a paper copy of class rolls in reliever’s folders. The paper copy needs to be taken to Lisa in the Office.



Copier located in the Teacher Resource Room near the Office. The relievers code is 5500.



The notices are displayed on our eTap Student Management System (please check with the Team Leader as they have access).


Please check the class timetable to see if the class is scheduled to visit the library. The library is located off school grounds. Go out the gate and turn left. You will cross the road and it is on the corner. Please ask another staff member if you are unsure.



Please collect all money and record in the classroom's money book before sending a student with the money and book to Mrs Buckley in the office, by 9.15 a.m. Write the date, what the money's for, the child’s name and the amount in the book.



If a student is unwell, please send them to the Office.


Accidents or sickness that happens at an interval or lunchtime break is dealt with by the duty teacher. If it is a serious injury or you need assistance ask Lisa for help.


In the case of a serious accident, an accident report needs to be written and signed. Any head injuries will be followed by a phone call home by Lisa at the office. The decision for children to go home is Lisa’s.



Reading books and journals are located in the hallway behind Rooms 1 and 2. Please do not remove the boxes.



We have plenty of PE gear for your lesson. Please ask a Team Leader for the keys to the PE shed which is located opposite Room 2 and 3.



Art supplies have been centralised for senior classes. To access the full supply please go to the cupboard located in the computer room. This is located between Room 5 & 6.

Junior classes have their own supplies in class, however, you are welcome to access the senior store if required.



All students and staff are to wear school sun hats outside in Terms 1 and 4.



This will be distributed electronically on Thursday afternoons. It is also available on the school website.



Whole School Assembly 2.30 on Friday in Te Whare Tapere (odd school weeks)

Please see the Team Leader about scheduled team meeting times.



At the end of each day please fill in a reliever’s form which is located at the back of this folder. This will give the classroom teachers some insight into the day. Please take the folder back to the office.



To enable us to enter your pay on Novopay you are asked to supply your MOE number and IRD number to the Lisa at the office on your first visit.  You will need to sign in at the school office each time you relieve at Linton Camp School.


We have high expectations of the children at Linton Camp School. We expect our students to respect all staff members. If the class or any students are not demonstrating any of the BALL skills, please do not hesitate to speak to a Team Leader. We are happy to support you in behaviour management issues.



The Overall Aim of Behaviour Management at Linton Camp School is:  To maintain a happy, safe and positive learning environment


Behaviour management at Linton Camp School is made up of two main parts.  The first part acknowledges and rewards appropriate behaviour. This includes actively teaching students appropriate behaviour, skills and attitudes.  The second part sets out how we manage inappropriate behaviour.


The motto at Linton Camp School is,” Owning our Learning, Owning our Future, Whakamau akorango, whakamau a mua”.  Individual students managing their behaviour is an important part of this motto. Staff believe that owning their future requires students to make positive and appropriate choices about relationships and learning as well as having the right attitude to school.


To support students and staff Linton Camp School has developed the VALUES framework.  This system is the visible outworking of the Behaviour Management plan.


The Values framework

The Values framework at Linton Camp School has been set up to provide for the ongoing commitment to the academic, social and emotional well-being of our children, staff, parents and community.  Our aim is to have an environment where we share a common vision of our right to be safe, secure and free from emotional and physical harassment.


School Values 

R – Resilience (Manawaroa)

R – Relationships (Whanaungatanga)

R–  Respect (Maruwehi)

P – Pride (WhakahÄ«)


Values Cards

Students who make appropriate choices in class as well as in the playground can be rewarded with Values Cards.  Awarded Values cards get posted into the letterbox in the foyer and once a week several names are drawn from the box for a spot prize.  Additionally, house points are awarded for each Values card with the points being tallied for the House Shields and Cup.


We encourage you to use these cards to reward students who have displayed the values. There is no limit to the number of cards given out each day, we simply ask that the card is awarded when students genuinely deserve to be rewarded. It is expected that you will fill in the students name, circle the value or values displayed by the students, it is important to sign the card as well. The students will be able to circle their whanau house, especially senior students. 


The Traffic Light System

The Traffic Light System, as it is known at Linton Camp School, was originally titled 1-2-3-Magic.


1-2-3-Magic is a behavioural programme based on a book by American psychologist, Dr. Thomas Phelan who is an expert on child discipline and ADD.  The strengths of the programme are its easy administration and the possibility of sharing the programme with parents and community members. There is a humorous video about the programme, which is easy to watch.  The school has copies of the video and the accompanying book.


In our classrooms, the programme begins with the forming of a set of classroom rules. Once agreed upon by the class the rules are put on the wall as a visual reminder.  The rules are discussed with the students so that they are understood by everyone. Things that may be ‘counted’ (as inappropriate) on the list could include:

  • Getting out of seat

  • Not putting hands up

  • Arguing/Fighting

  • Pushing in line

  • Calling out

  • Telling tales

  • Attitude – excessive expression/excessive pouting


In the classroom, a traffic light is used and the children have their names on pegs or laminated cards. The first time they are counted their peg/card is put on green, the second count goes to orange and the last count the peg/card moves to red after which the child has a time-out.  A timer is useful for this. During a time out the student is removed to another classroom for a short period of time (10 minutes) for reflection on their behaviour.


There are conversation prompts/sentences on the traffic light which help you to prompt the student to think about the choices they are making and to reflect on their behaviour and give them an opportunity to change their behaviour.



In the event of extreme behaviour please discuss the issue with the Team Leader as early as possible. They will be able to support you with the next steps such as a sin bin consequence for the student. Sin bins are not to be issued by relievers without consultation with senior staff.

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